eLearnReady - easy tool to get you ready for online learning success.

A Guide to Interpretation of Your eLearnReady Scores

eLearnReady is a tool to help you assess your readiness for learning in an online environment. Your eLearnReady scores are not intended to make an absolute decision as to whether or not you will succeed in your online courses. However, they will give you an idea of your strengths in the nine dimensions that eLearnReady assesses.

General Information

Name: Demo Nadeau
E-mail: [email protected]
Age: 46 - 55
Gender: Male
Date / Time: 2017-06-17 18:10:51

Your eLearnReady scores at a Glance

Nine dimensions eLearning Readiness Your Scores Average
Self-Motivation 80 (moderate proficiency) 85
Self-Management 93 (high proficiency) 76
Communication with Instructor 67 (moderate proficiency) 67
Interaction with Peers 85 (high proficiency) 67
Learning Preference - Text 93 (high proficiency) 70
Learning Preference - Visual 73 (moderate proficiency) 75
Learning Preference - Auditory 68 (moderate proficiency) 67
Technology Skills 77 (moderate proficiency) 89
Classroom Website 60 (low proficiency) 85


This dimension measures your motivation level for this course. The maximum possible score for this dimension is 100 and you score a total of 80 (moderate proficiency), indicating you are reasonably motivated about your coursework. You understand how your courses relate to your long-term goals. You set goals for your classes but need to focus on accomplishing them. Focus on how your short-term goals for coursework translate into your long-term life goals. Don’t permit distractions to interfere with accomplishing your dreams! Use the tips below to help with your motivation. Once you break the cycle and see some success in the classroom, it is easier to stay motivated for the next goal.

Ways to Improve your Self-Motivation:
  • Set goals that will motivate you.
  • Read your course syllabus. Knowing what is expected of you will help you reach your goals.
  • Find a study partner. You can help and motivate each other.
  • Make a connection between your coursework and your personal goals.
  • When setbacks occur, stay focused on your goals.
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Your motivation indicates that you understand the connection between your coursework and long-term [goals] you plan ahead and Devote a significant amount of time and resources into accomplishing tasks. Your level of motivation helps you to overcome difficulties and obstacles in order to complete your goals. The Following video can help you maintain a high level of motivation. Well, you guys are the best class I've had all day You're the only class I've had all day, and I understand the syllabus is kind of boring But it's one of those things we have to do just so you know exactly what's going on to the course of the semester. So it will get more exciting. Wednesday, we're going to jump into chapter one in our Comm 101 book It's a basic introduction to Comm about about what communication is Gonna let you out a little early because it's too late to just jump into the first chapter Without any more questions. I will say have a good day, and we will see you on Wednesday. Bye Well, I ain't gonna, uh I mean, I was gonna run home, but Look at. . . I might even read the assignment list, man, Well I was Reading the syllabus and see that we have a quiz next Thursday, we should meet up you know study together Heck no, It's literally the first week of school when am I going to find time to tan and go to the gym? We can study together Come on At least we can figure it out Where would you be without me? (radio playing) Yeah, cuz she's got bad intentions So as you just saw key tips such as not Procrastinating finding a study buddy and even just reading your syllabus will help you go a long way into achieving self motivation.


Your self-management score is 93 (high proficiency), meaning you like to keep your time and your life organized. You pay attention to the course schedule, and commit yourself to completing assignments on time. Excellent! The following tips could help with your management of online study.

Ways to Improve your Self-Management:
Manage your time:
  • Mark deadlines and due dates on a calendar.
  • Estimate the time needed for completion.
  • Make a schedule to complete assignments and stick to your plan.
Manage your work:
  • Make a to-do list.
  • Focus on one task at a time.
  • Find a quiet learning environment that is free from distractions.
  • Finish a task, cross it off, and move on to the next one.
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A high level of self-management indicates that you like your time and your life organized. You pay close attention to course schedules, And you commit yourself into turning your assignments in on time. Simple tasks such as writing down assignments, goal setting, and setting aside time to finish your coursework can all help you in becoming a better self manager. The Following video Demonstrates how organization helps with your management of online study. [alright], I gotta make this quick [cuz] I got a group project to do and a lot more assigned, but They say you're supposed to study an hour for every credit hour you have and I got 15 hours So I got 15 hours of studying to do so I gotta get going. (playing video game) ooh, yes, yes I must say that is the easiest test I ever took. Hands down the Hardest test I ever took.

Communication with Instructor

Your Communication with Instructor score is 67 (moderate proficiency), indicating you like clear directions and instructions in your courses. You may have questions and seek occasional feedback from your instructor. The following tips provide some ideas regarding the communication with the instructor.

Ways to Improve your Communication with your Instructor:
  • Always communicate in a polite and professional manner.
  • Understand that your instructor will not always be online, so start assignments early in case you have questions.
  • Communicate with your instructor via email, phone call, or discussion board as directed in your syllabus.
  • If you have a question, ask it.
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So you like clear directions and instructions in your courses. You may have questions and seek occasional feedback from your instructors. Communicate with your instructors Via email, discussion board or phone call. But just be aware that your instructors may give feedback in different forms. And they may not be on line ever so timely. The following video provides some ideas regarding communication with your instructors. What is this? I don't even know how to start this. I have no time for this. I need help. Why don't you try emailing your instructor man? You know what that's a good idea, I'm gonna do that right now. She hasn't responded my email yet. I'm gonna fail. I have no idea what to do for this. Bro, did you check the discussion board? Why didn't I think of that? I Wish I could just ask somebody what they did so I could compare Why don't you? Look man, You can email one of your classmates or leave a comment? You are [a] genius dude. Why was that so hard? Simple feedback can solve a lot of problems. (guy in back) Yeah? You know how to sign up for a class on Web Advisor? Online classes were a lot different than classes that I'm used to. But now I finally get the hang of it. Now All I need to do is figure out how to sign up for my classes online?

Interaction with Peers

Your Interaction with Peers score is 85 (high proficiency), indicating being part of the learning community is important to you. You gain much more from group discussion and interaction. You may become frustrated if the class has limited interaction. Look for multiple ways to interact with your instructor and classmates by using some tips below.

Ways to Improve your Interaction with Peers:
  • Always communicate in a polite and professional manner.
  • Check course discussions frequently.
  • Make connections with other students.
  • Form study groups.
  • Be brave and participate in class discussions even if you feel hesitant.
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You may learn well independently or in a team environment. Community and interaction are both very important parts of the online learning process. Forming a study group with others may be very beneficial. It allows you to realize that others are just as intimidated to post as you are. The Following video shows how interaction between classmates shouldn't go, in a humorous Manner. Yo, is this the study group for the online class with Dr.. Schuler? Yes it is - are you sure? I'm 99 percent sure. So there's a one-percent chance that I can go home right now - Chaz sit [down] (conversation) why would she do that? Or post it Well hello - (girls) hey Did I even bring the right book for this study group? Who are you? Well, let's just say my grade kind of rhymes with your name. Wait, what rhymes with Jeff? F? Sorry guys. I just got out of quantum physics lab (everyone mumbling) We wasted enough time, everybody get out your books and turn to page 248 What are you doing? I'm about to eat, man Anybody Read Chapter nine? Um, Yeah I read it. It's about communication and leadership between human development and how it affects uh - hold on - Chaz, Where are you going? Listen, man, I'm taking my chances with that one percent That was way harder than a had to be but we all worked together to get it done. Kinda So as you saw on that video Those are a couple of things that you shouldn't do. But a few of the things that you should, are be attentive, communicate effectively, and don't be afraid to ask your fellow classmates for help. All of these tips are things that can lead [to] a successful interaction.

Learning Preference: Text

Your Learning Preference: Text score is 93 (high proficiency), indicating you learn best when information is presented in a written language format. In a classroom setting, you benefit from instructors who write on the board (or overhead projector) to list the essential points of a lecture, or who provide you with an outline to follow along with during lecture. You benefit from information obtained from textbooks and class notes. You tend to like to study by yourself in a quiet room. The tips below would help with your learning preference.

Study Tips for Materials Presented in a Text Format:
  • When learning information presented in diagrams or illustrations, write out explanations for the information.
  • Write out sentences and key phrases in the margin.
  • Discussions and course content are there to look at whenever you want. Go back and revisit discussions that may help you.
  • Find a quiet reading environment that is free from distractions.
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Reading visual text indicates that you may utilize graphs charts and tables when studying. You may also want to integrate Listening, reading and other Multimedia Into your studying as well. The following video highlights visual text comprehension through a student who isn't using the tools in the most effective Manner. Yo, man, what are you studying? Yo, what's up man? What are you studying? Uh aviation and anthropology? This is a chemistry book. Oh wild dude wild.Yeah, you probably should probably lay off the music. I mean, it's good advice Good advice, but I'm gonna hit the books again. Okay. There's no way you're reading those chapters that fast. Oh, I mean I saw a few words. So I think I'm good. I saw dog three times I think and uh Daisy's Camp twice. You know you should really try taking notes. No, I got all stored up here. I just saw the word but. okay You do you bro. Yeah yeah, I'm done (phew) (watching tv and laughing) Jim! so funny. (on the tv) Can he kick me out of the meeting? Oh no? Dwight! Why would you do that? That's just ridiculous. What a moron. So today, Teasing will no longer be tolerated you mean, there's no teasing? Hey, man. Why'd you turn the TV off? You're not studying No, I'm I'm reading and I'm watching TV. There's no way, you're getting distracted by the TV. too much No, I can do both. I do it all the time. You really should just try studying without the distractions. Man, you have the best suggestions, but honestly I got this. I'm Gonna do me Okay man, suit yourself. (still watching tv) As you saw this student was extremely distracted while reading visual text. By eliminating distractions And writing down notes when reading he may have had a much better outcome.

Learning Preference: Visual

Your Learning Preference: Visual score is 73 (moderate proficiency), indicating you may utilize some charts, graphs, tables, infographics or other visuals when studying although they are not your exclusive preference. You may also integrate listening, reading and other multimedia into your studying. You might find that the following tips are useful.

Study Tips for Materials Presented in a Visual Format:
  • Use links provided by instructors—they often will provide a multimedia experience that can help your visual needs.
  • Create diagrams, flow charts, and maps to help you visualize course concepts or notes.
  • Use keywords, symbols, and diagrams when taking notes.
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So maybe you learn best when information is presented to you visually like in picture a design format. You prefer Instructors who use visual aids such as pictures, maps, charts and film. You may benefit from the information obtained from the pictures and diagrams in your textbooks. And when trying to remember something, you can often visualize a picture of it in your mind. You will find that the following tips are very helpful while studying course materials. (reciting) Moyea, Egypt, Dubai, Limon, Um, Now, I got [it] What are you doing? I like to use visual cues to help okay, okay? I got it got it Can you stand really quick? I just need to reenact some - no way that's stupid. I'll buy you lunch - deal! All right, Cam, it says here "Rudy has stabbed Julius Caesar, and he falls to the ground" All right now lay down. "And he utters his last words" That's your cue Cam "et tu brute" It'll be one nice lunch. I Like to be able to see the material, feel the material, and be the material. Know what I mean? It just helps me to better remembers stuff. And just as these guys demonstrated you can use some [of] the same techniques in your learning environment.

Learning Preference: Auditory

Your Learning Preference: Auditory score is 68 (moderate proficiency), indicating you may prefer a mix of listening and other multimedia formats. When course content is provided as audio only, take good notes and make visual representations in your mind and in your notes. See the tips below.

Study Tips for Materials Presented in an Auditory Format:
  • Form a study group in which you discuss course content with others.
  • When studying, read out loud.
  • Use links provided by professors—they often will provide a multimedia experience that can help your listening needs.
  • Use the video tools in your course; do not be overwhelmed by the content. Rewind and replay if you do not understand something.
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Listening indicates that you prefer multimedia formats. When course content is given to you by audio only, take good [notes] and make a visual Representations of all things in your mind. The following video demonstrates how listening without fully understanding course material can be detrimental. Least it's an audio lecture What's up? The apples are rotten man. What? The apples are rotten. What did I just listen to? Listening and hearing are two different things. Listening can be a great tool when you actually listen. As you saw it is extremely important that you take the time to fully understand all course material. By taking notes and making visual representations of all things given to you by Audio books in your head.

Technology Skills

Your overall score for the Technology Skills is 77 (moderate proficiency), indicating you may not be confident in or that you may be unsure of your technology skills. Spend some extra time familiarizing yourself with any special technology requirements for the course. The tips below offer some ideas for improving your technology skills.

Suggestions for Managing Technology in Online Learning:
  • Review your professor’s syllabus for any specific or specialized technology requirements.
  • Experiment with how the course works. Understand that others will struggle too, and ask for help. 
  • Use any orientation materials available. 
  • Make a general visit to your Student Technology Resource Center or to their website. 
  • After trying to solve a technical problem for 20 minutes, make sure to contact your instructor or help center. 
  • Identify a single computer that you will use for the online course (if possible), so you can keep track of your files and know the computer’s capabilities.
  • Do not wait until the last minute to submit assignments or take quizzes.
  • Try to have a back-up plan for technology.
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So you're pretty good with technology? Indicating that you're proficient with the basic technologies required for online courses Although your technology proficiency level may be high the following video may help you to avoid any technological mishaps Hey, babe, let's watch a movie. I I can't, I have to complete this assignment and i really don't have time and I can't even remember my password Ugh, Okay, well by the way it's xerox 2020 How did you know my password? It's on the fridge Hmm, guess I better get to work. I've got alot of essays to write. (Sigh) Send (Sigh) that was close Really? Alex what's up with the Wi-Fi? Well technology can be a blessing and a curse at the same time Thankfully the internet cut back on just in time for me to upload my assignment with the deadline. Pay attention to the movie. Who are you talking to? So just so you don't have any technological mishaps like the student before us I'm going to give you a couple of tips 1. make sure you write down all passwords 2. Make sure that you autosave your work after every couple of minutes, and 3. make sure all of your devices are charged.

Classroom Website

Your overall score for Classroom Website is 60 (low proficiency), indicating you are new to online learning or inexperienced with classroom websites. Be sure to read the tips provided and spend some time looking at your course so you can easily navigate the course materials. Check out the tips and video provided so you are able to find help when you need it.

Suggestions for Online Learning:
  • Navigate through the course to learn your way around. Ask your instructor for help if you are confused.
  • Read your syllabus carefully and find out:
    • how to contact your instructor
    • important course policies
    • how your course grade is calculated
    • what materials are required
    • assignment schedule
  • Use a calendar to keep track of deadlines.
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So you are proficient with a course management system and have experience from your other courses to adapt quickly to an online [environment] The Following video demonstrates the components of a successful course management system. I like to take the first week or two to get organized and adjusted. It's a long semester ahead. Sorry So as you saw be sure to know any differences between your courses. And always make sure to Familiarize yourself from course to course and ask your professors how they want their work turned in and remember always write down your assignments.


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